Friday, October 14, 2005

Name the baby panda!!

Last weekend I went to Peterborough to see some family. My grandma made homemade linguinie and gnocchi. It was so amazing. She hasn't made it in a very long time so it was a huge treat. She also made yummy pizza and apple pie from apples from her tree. Everything was tastey.

I got to see my other grandma and my mom next. That was really nice too. I gave my mom her birthday present which she loved. I wish I could have stayed longer, but Grandma let me light the candles on mom's birthday cake before I left so I could participate with that. So sweet. It was great.

Sunday Debbie made thanksgiving dinner and that was really yummy too. We watched Crash and they both enjoyed it. Who wouldn't? It rocks. I also got them addicted to sudoku's and they've been spending some time on them lately.

So the chinese have a tradition of naming new baby pandas when they reach 100 days of age. The San Diego Zoo has a new baby panda and i've been watching the sweetie on the panda cam. They've chosen 5 names that China has approved and now they're letting the panda lovers choose the name!! She's more and more my virtual pet every day =) I love the San Diego Zoo! More so I love Pandas =)

Thursday, October 06, 2005

September Summary

Well, work hasn't been exactly what I expected. I thought I'd be very busy, have lots to do, that the work would be basic. The work is basic, but it's been pretty slow. Supposively it'll pick up now that alot of deadlines are wrapping up. I hope so. Thankfully, I've got my co-op friend, Dave, to keep me amused. I've never really had a co-op friend before so it's been alot of fun. The second week of work, there was a conference on friday and saturday. All the pension people out west came to Toronto for the conference at the royal york. I got to learn alot about pensions, some was over my head, but getting exposure to the material is important. So all in all it was alot of fun, but I was glad that Dave was there cause I didn't know people well yet and he's worked there before.

Wing nights have been so much fun!! We went to Pickle Barrel, Zelda's, the Irish Embassy, and the Duke of Richmond. Zelda's was funny, cause Dave never picked up on the fact it was a gay bar. The menu's have this guy wearing woman's clothing and a wig, but he missed that completely. When we told him he looked so surprised it was so funny. the Irish Embassy was so great. The food was great, and Chris did not criticize the food, but kept going on about all the things they did right! It was so bizarre, but cool. At the Duke of Richmond I got to meet Jeff's girl Simone, and Chris' cousin Laura. I shared skor that I made with everyone. Oh, and Ryan, you're a Fanny Farmer. So all in all, lots of fun, and the best part is that I'm not rushed to go catch a go train. I can just relax, and enjoy hanging out with my friends.

I am so surprised by my place. It seemed medicore, but it has turned out to be so great. I really like my neighbourhood. My dad drops by on his way back from dropping Vincent off and we go for lunch. I had very unique, amazing french toast. I want to have it again sometime. My roomates are awesome. They are so friendly and talkative. Whenever I run into them we chat. It makes me feel less isolated in this big city.

I've become addicted to sudoku's. Dave, his friend Jordan and I race. Normally Jordan beats me, and I beat Dave. Dave has beat me, and I have beat Jordan. It's so much fun. I don't quite understand why though.

Daily puzzle from
Solution on website

1-9 in each 3x3 square, 1-9 in each row, and 1-9 in each column.

This Saturday I'm going to try to get up to Peterborough to see my mom, dad, vincent, grandmas. Just have to work out some details, but it should be doable.

Studying for my exam has been going pretty well. I feel like I'm in a pretty good place. Not ready for it yet, but I feel that I can be ready. A month to go!!!! The hardcore studying begins! And Chris rocks, cause he said he'd explain cublic splines to me =) It's the only thing on the syllabus that I don't understand.

What else is new... I love tv! Gilmore Girls has been so amazing. I love it. OC has been "Season 1 good" hehe. The premier of Smallville was sweet... Spike has such a cool character on the show!!

I went to Waterloo the other weekend, when Keizo wasn't too busy with work. He made me bacon, and I had carrots and a yummy necturine. It was really nice. I got to see Ang and Kirsten and Hewan and Wilson and... I think you get the idea. I haven't seen them in a while, some in a long while! so that was cool. I can't wait for next term. It'll be great. I miss those guys.

I don't know how much I'm forgetting.... serves me right for not updating for so long.