First the interesting times.
Saturday we were on a couch mission because it's not fun waiting for a couch to be delivered that may never arrive. Jer bought a couch a month and a half ago and the Brick kept calling with bad news, delaying when they expected the couch to be back in stock. You can only go so long with one chair and computer chair. Especially when tv is so awesome. So off to the Brick in hopes of solving this issue. Being new to this world we brought my dad to do the negotiations. We ended up saying bye bye chocolate truffle couch, and hello caramel happiness. The couch arrived yesterday and it's wonderful!!
Saturday night Jer and I went to the symphony. Jer had bought me tickets for my birthday. Some guy who's won awards was playing a solo and he was amazing. My favourite parts are still when the whole symphony plays in full force.
Sunday we did the whole family thing at Jer's sister's. It was the typical people talking, kids being kids, and perogies. Okay, the perogies aren't typical, see what I mean about defying expectations?
Alright, now on to the yummy food cause mmmm food so good!
It started with a pint of cream. 20(?) minutes later came fresh butter and buttermilk. The buttermilk was used to make blueberry pancakes Monday morning. I don't know if it was the buttermilk, but the pancakes were the best we've made. The butter was used with bread from Le Pain Quotidien. Delicious.
Next on our menu was gnocchi. I'm still figuring out gnocchi. It's coming along but I was mislead by a blog post saying to test the gnocchi to see if it falls apart or tastes gummy. If so, add more flour. Well, it always tasted gummy fresh out of the water. The best it tasted was my second attempt where I wasn't afraid of the flour but didn't keep adding flour because the dough was sticky, because no matter how much I added the dough was always sticky. Okay, this isn't amusing. Are you amused? no, well, on to the fun part. Tiramisu!!
Yep, that's right. This weekend I decided it was time to tackle Tiramisu. I've been wanting to make it for months. I bought the ladyfingers in July in fact. I debated making it in August around my birthday, but I got a little overwhelmed with all the recipes. Egg whites, whipped cream, cooked eggs, not cooked, this liquor, that liquor oh goodness make it go away. So I set it aside for the time being. Then one day I did a bit of research to understand the differences in recipes. The classic way uses raw eggs. Some people don't like the risk of getting sick so they cook the egg. This makes it more dense. Some will use raw egg yolk, but skip the raw egg white since it's more likely the whites will make you sick. So they replace the egg white with whipped cream. Makes it significantly less healthy since it adds fat and removes the protein goodness of egg whites, but it doesn't use too much cream so I guess that's fine. Anyway, I decided to face my fears and use raw eggs. Oh wow am I ever glad!!
I went to St. Lawerence market to look for mascarpone. I was hoping they had some italian stuff since I was reading the north american version has gum this, other stuff that and makes it a heavier tiramisu. No such luck, but I did find out how to say mascarpone. I was waaayyy off. Speaking of how north american ruins things, my ladyfingers were the proper Savoiardi, but they also had lots of junk added to it but you know what? It turned out just fine with all the extras.
Here's the recipe I ended up using and a picture of my first tiramisu.
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