We went to Pogue Mahone's for wings so it was an official wing night! Exciting stuff. Their wings were freakishly big like morty's, but apparently not quite as good. Their Irish soda bread was really good. It was a very amusing wing night. So much so, I can't even write about it. Here are some pictures.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Last Wing Night of 2005!
Tomorrow is my last day of work. Yay! But it means I'm moving on Thursday so I should be packing. To be productive while lazy at the same time, I've put a load of laundry in. That means I can post some pictures from wing night.
We went to Pogue Mahone's for wings so it was an official wing night! Exciting stuff. Their wings were freakishly big like morty's, but apparently not quite as good. Their Irish soda bread was really good. It was a very amusing wing night. So much so, I can't even write about it. Here are some pictures.
We went to Pogue Mahone's for wings so it was an official wing night! Exciting stuff. Their wings were freakishly big like morty's, but apparently not quite as good. Their Irish soda bread was really good. It was a very amusing wing night. So much so, I can't even write about it. Here are some pictures.
Friday, December 16, 2005
It's official! I've accepted an offer and I'm going to work at Swiss Re!! I'm so happy. I really loved working there on my co-op terms. I just got lucky they had an opening. *happiness*
Now I have to find a place in Toronto. Eep! I'm thinking I might see if I can stay at my dad's for a while to make apartment hunting alot easier, but his place is far and crowded so I'm not sure. I'll bring up the idea and see what he says.
I can't wait to go shopping!!! It's business attire there so I get to dress up. I love it. So much more fun that way. I can't wait to have an amazing, fun, stylish wardrobe. Ohh and the shoes! And one day a prada bag =)
To celebrate accepting an offer I bought Wicked tickets! Well, okay, I bought them a little earlier, but it was to celebrate having a full-time job =) I think they'll be pretty good seats. Row F, seats 17 and 18 (if anybody cares, i do!! hehe)
I haven't posted in sooo long... i've been bad. Done lots of great stuff. Wing nights have been lots of fun. I'm looking forward to them next summer!!
Wow, I didn't even update about my fun visit with Holly! We went on a used bookstore hunt and did some Christmas shopping. We went to Spring Rolls, Pickle Barrel and Allen's! We watched Crash and Coupling. Ohh so great. AND there was Prius at the end of Crash! But now I can't buy one. Too expensive and pointless for Toronto. We had alot of fun. Next time she comes to visit in Toronto I'll have a great stylish apartment which will be even better.
I went to visit Keizo the other weekend. We did some Christmas Shopping and relaxed. It was really nice just being able to spend some time with him. We've both been too busy this term. I'm looking forward to January!
So Wednesday Night I went to a Marlies game with Liz!!! It was great. Great seats, the place is pretty small so anywhere is pretty good. They won 5-0 which was cool! We picked who our favourite players were and stuff. We BOTH forgot cameras though! Bah!
Last night was our Chrismukkah party!! Matt and I went to Chris and Jeff's to watch OC IN HIGH DEF! So awesome. We also watched CSI afterwards which was so cool in HD as well. We had hawaiian pizza. I can't enough of it lately. Also had some drinks, but not too much cause Matt's Christmas Party was the night before which had an open bar... enough said haha. I took pictures of turkey (the bunny) while I was there. He's so cute!
I don't know what I'm forgetting. I really shouldn't go this long without posting. Tonight my dad is picking me up and I'm going to his place for the weekend. My brother is flying in tonight so it'll be great to see him. I've missed the arrogant bugger.
Now I have to find a place in Toronto. Eep! I'm thinking I might see if I can stay at my dad's for a while to make apartment hunting alot easier, but his place is far and crowded so I'm not sure. I'll bring up the idea and see what he says.
I can't wait to go shopping!!! It's business attire there so I get to dress up. I love it. So much more fun that way. I can't wait to have an amazing, fun, stylish wardrobe. Ohh and the shoes! And one day a prada bag =)
To celebrate accepting an offer I bought Wicked tickets! Well, okay, I bought them a little earlier, but it was to celebrate having a full-time job =) I think they'll be pretty good seats. Row F, seats 17 and 18 (if anybody cares, i do!! hehe)
I haven't posted in sooo long... i've been bad. Done lots of great stuff. Wing nights have been lots of fun. I'm looking forward to them next summer!!
Wow, I didn't even update about my fun visit with Holly! We went on a used bookstore hunt and did some Christmas shopping. We went to Spring Rolls, Pickle Barrel and Allen's! We watched Crash and Coupling. Ohh so great. AND there was Prius at the end of Crash! But now I can't buy one. Too expensive and pointless for Toronto. We had alot of fun. Next time she comes to visit in Toronto I'll have a great stylish apartment which will be even better.
I went to visit Keizo the other weekend. We did some Christmas Shopping and relaxed. It was really nice just being able to spend some time with him. We've both been too busy this term. I'm looking forward to January!
So Wednesday Night I went to a Marlies game with Liz!!! It was great. Great seats, the place is pretty small so anywhere is pretty good. They won 5-0 which was cool! We picked who our favourite players were and stuff. We BOTH forgot cameras though! Bah!
Last night was our Chrismukkah party!! Matt and I went to Chris and Jeff's to watch OC IN HIGH DEF! So awesome. We also watched CSI afterwards which was so cool in HD as well. We had hawaiian pizza. I can't enough of it lately. Also had some drinks, but not too much cause Matt's Christmas Party was the night before which had an open bar... enough said haha. I took pictures of turkey (the bunny) while I was there. He's so cute!
I don't know what I'm forgetting. I really shouldn't go this long without posting. Tonight my dad is picking me up and I'm going to his place for the weekend. My brother is flying in tonight so it'll be great to see him. I've missed the arrogant bugger.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
All that hard work was worth it!!! After obsessing about the exam all day yesterday and most of today, soa posted the exam with the answers so now I know I did well and can be happy and not worry about it a moment longer!
Eeee *happiness*
One question did make me mad though. The wording was misleading so I went with the wrong answer. But in the end I don't care cause I unofficially passed! I was amused that one answer was that there wasn't enough information to calculate what was asked. I was paranoid this was wrong, cause it seemed like such an unlikely answer, but it was correct.
After the exam I went for pad thai with Liz. It was soo yummy. It was nice going out afterwards. I think we helped calm each other down hehe.
So now i've accomplished my goal of having 4 exams when I graduate. Next task: find a full-time job!
Went to Pickle Barrel tonight with the guys. I had alot of fun, and I had a yummy After Eight Martini and yummy salad. more *happiness*
To top the day off... new gg!! I can't wait!
YES!!!! I DID IT!!!! So Happy!!!! =)
Eeee *happiness*
One question did make me mad though. The wording was misleading so I went with the wrong answer. But in the end I don't care cause I unofficially passed! I was amused that one answer was that there wasn't enough information to calculate what was asked. I was paranoid this was wrong, cause it seemed like such an unlikely answer, but it was correct.
After the exam I went for pad thai with Liz. It was soo yummy. It was nice going out afterwards. I think we helped calm each other down hehe.
So now i've accomplished my goal of having 4 exams when I graduate. Next task: find a full-time job!
Went to Pickle Barrel tonight with the guys. I had alot of fun, and I had a yummy After Eight Martini and yummy salad. more *happiness*
To top the day off... new gg!! I can't wait!
YES!!!! I DID IT!!!! So Happy!!!! =)
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Friday, October 14, 2005
Name the baby panda!!
Last weekend I went to Peterborough to see some family. My grandma made homemade linguinie and gnocchi. It was so amazing. She hasn't made it in a very long time so it was a huge treat. She also made yummy pizza and apple pie from apples from her tree. Everything was tastey.
I got to see my other grandma and my mom next. That was really nice too. I gave my mom her birthday present which she loved. I wish I could have stayed longer, but Grandma let me light the candles on mom's birthday cake before I left so I could participate with that. So sweet. It was great.
Sunday Debbie made thanksgiving dinner and that was really yummy too. We watched Crash and they both enjoyed it. Who wouldn't? It rocks. I also got them addicted to sudoku's and they've been spending some time on them lately.
So the chinese have a tradition of naming new baby pandas when they reach 100 days of age. The San Diego Zoo has a new baby panda and i've been watching the sweetie on the panda cam. They've chosen 5 names that China has approved and now they're letting the panda lovers choose the name!! She's more and more my virtual pet every day =) I love the San Diego Zoo! More so I love Pandas =)
I got to see my other grandma and my mom next. That was really nice too. I gave my mom her birthday present which she loved. I wish I could have stayed longer, but Grandma let me light the candles on mom's birthday cake before I left so I could participate with that. So sweet. It was great.
Sunday Debbie made thanksgiving dinner and that was really yummy too. We watched Crash and they both enjoyed it. Who wouldn't? It rocks. I also got them addicted to sudoku's and they've been spending some time on them lately.
So the chinese have a tradition of naming new baby pandas when they reach 100 days of age. The San Diego Zoo has a new baby panda and i've been watching the sweetie on the panda cam. They've chosen 5 names that China has approved and now they're letting the panda lovers choose the name!! She's more and more my virtual pet every day =) I love the San Diego Zoo! More so I love Pandas =)
Thursday, October 06, 2005
September Summary
Well, work hasn't been exactly what I expected. I thought I'd be very busy, have lots to do, that the work would be basic. The work is basic, but it's been pretty slow. Supposively it'll pick up now that alot of deadlines are wrapping up. I hope so. Thankfully, I've got my co-op friend, Dave, to keep me amused. I've never really had a co-op friend before so it's been alot of fun. The second week of work, there was a conference on friday and saturday. All the pension people out west came to Toronto for the conference at the royal york. I got to learn alot about pensions, some was over my head, but getting exposure to the material is important. So all in all it was alot of fun, but I was glad that Dave was there cause I didn't know people well yet and he's worked there before.
Wing nights have been so much fun!! We went to Pickle Barrel, Zelda's, the Irish Embassy, and the Duke of Richmond. Zelda's was funny, cause Dave never picked up on the fact it was a gay bar. The menu's have this guy wearing woman's clothing and a wig, but he missed that completely. When we told him he looked so surprised it was so funny. the Irish Embassy was so great. The food was great, and Chris did not criticize the food, but kept going on about all the things they did right! It was so bizarre, but cool. At the Duke of Richmond I got to meet Jeff's girl Simone, and Chris' cousin Laura. I shared skor that I made with everyone. Oh, and Ryan, you're a Fanny Farmer. So all in all, lots of fun, and the best part is that I'm not rushed to go catch a go train. I can just relax, and enjoy hanging out with my friends.
I am so surprised by my place. It seemed medicore, but it has turned out to be so great. I really like my neighbourhood. My dad drops by on his way back from dropping Vincent off and we go for lunch. I had very unique, amazing french toast. I want to have it again sometime. My roomates are awesome. They are so friendly and talkative. Whenever I run into them we chat. It makes me feel less isolated in this big city.
I've become addicted to sudoku's. Dave, his friend Jordan and I race. Normally Jordan beats me, and I beat Dave. Dave has beat me, and I have beat Jordan. It's so much fun. I don't quite understand why though.
1-9 in each 3x3 square, 1-9 in each row, and 1-9 in each column.
This Saturday I'm going to try to get up to Peterborough to see my mom, dad, vincent, grandmas. Just have to work out some details, but it should be doable.
Studying for my exam has been going pretty well. I feel like I'm in a pretty good place. Not ready for it yet, but I feel that I can be ready. A month to go!!!! The hardcore studying begins! And Chris rocks, cause he said he'd explain cublic splines to me =) It's the only thing on the syllabus that I don't understand.
What else is new... I love tv! Gilmore Girls has been so amazing. I love it. OC has been "Season 1 good" hehe. The premier of Smallville was sweet... Spike has such a cool character on the show!!
I went to Waterloo the other weekend, when Keizo wasn't too busy with work. He made me bacon, and I had carrots and a yummy necturine. It was really nice. I got to see Ang and Kirsten and Hewan and Wilson and... I think you get the idea. I haven't seen them in a while, some in a long while! so that was cool. I can't wait for next term. It'll be great. I miss those guys.
I don't know how much I'm forgetting.... serves me right for not updating for so long.
Wing nights have been so much fun!! We went to Pickle Barrel, Zelda's, the Irish Embassy, and the Duke of Richmond. Zelda's was funny, cause Dave never picked up on the fact it was a gay bar. The menu's have this guy wearing woman's clothing and a wig, but he missed that completely. When we told him he looked so surprised it was so funny. the Irish Embassy was so great. The food was great, and Chris did not criticize the food, but kept going on about all the things they did right! It was so bizarre, but cool. At the Duke of Richmond I got to meet Jeff's girl Simone, and Chris' cousin Laura. I shared skor that I made with everyone. Oh, and Ryan, you're a Fanny Farmer. So all in all, lots of fun, and the best part is that I'm not rushed to go catch a go train. I can just relax, and enjoy hanging out with my friends.
I am so surprised by my place. It seemed medicore, but it has turned out to be so great. I really like my neighbourhood. My dad drops by on his way back from dropping Vincent off and we go for lunch. I had very unique, amazing french toast. I want to have it again sometime. My roomates are awesome. They are so friendly and talkative. Whenever I run into them we chat. It makes me feel less isolated in this big city.
I've become addicted to sudoku's. Dave, his friend Jordan and I race. Normally Jordan beats me, and I beat Dave. Dave has beat me, and I have beat Jordan. It's so much fun. I don't quite understand why though.
Daily puzzle from www.sudokuworks.com
Solution on website
1-9 in each 3x3 square, 1-9 in each row, and 1-9 in each column.
This Saturday I'm going to try to get up to Peterborough to see my mom, dad, vincent, grandmas. Just have to work out some details, but it should be doable.
Studying for my exam has been going pretty well. I feel like I'm in a pretty good place. Not ready for it yet, but I feel that I can be ready. A month to go!!!! The hardcore studying begins! And Chris rocks, cause he said he'd explain cublic splines to me =) It's the only thing on the syllabus that I don't understand.
What else is new... I love tv! Gilmore Girls has been so amazing. I love it. OC has been "Season 1 good" hehe. The premier of Smallville was sweet... Spike has such a cool character on the show!!
I went to Waterloo the other weekend, when Keizo wasn't too busy with work. He made me bacon, and I had carrots and a yummy necturine. It was really nice. I got to see Ang and Kirsten and Hewan and Wilson and... I think you get the idea. I haven't seen them in a while, some in a long while! so that was cool. I can't wait for next term. It'll be great. I miss those guys.
I don't know how much I'm forgetting.... serves me right for not updating for so long.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Monday, September 05, 2005
Back in the T dot
I moved into my Toronto Apartment today. My dad drove me here and we unloaded some groceries and my bags and we went for a walk around the neighbourhood. It was a really nice day out so it was nice going for a little walk. I like the neighbourhood. The street I'm on is quiet, there are kids around, restaurants, some fast food, little stores, it's really nice. It should be good. Here's a few pictures of the place.

Here's my bed and tv and dvds.

This is my wardrobe with my beautiful new boots and fun purse.

My little private bathroom!

Here's the kitchenette so I never have to venture upstairs.

And last but not least, my cozy study area .

Here's my bed and tv and dvds.

This is my wardrobe with my beautiful new boots and fun purse.

My little private bathroom!

Here's the kitchenette so I never have to venture upstairs.

And last but not least, my cozy study area .
Long Weekend
Saturday morning my dad came to Waterloo and we moved my stuff to Toronto, then we headed to dad's. On the way, we stopped in Pickering. We like Pickering, it's home! I wanted to go to my favourite shoe store in the mall, Bata. So we went and what??!! Bata was gone! nooo! It was a sad day. We went to Suzy and my dad bought me a suit and a sweater. They are great. Then we had a "lunch". I had orange julius and dad had DQ hehe. Then we went home and my dad make steak and corn and asapargus. Sooo yummy. We watched Mean girls and played lots of games. It was fun. Sunday we went to the Oshawa centre and I found a pair of brown boots to go with my new suits. They are sooooo nice. I love them! They are really comfortable and look great with my suits. We also played some crib, and had yummy pasta and then watched Monster in Law later that night. It was a funny movie. I had fun with my dad. I was sad to leave.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
We like Butterfield
Tuesday night Keizo and I went to the jays game with his friend Will. It was fun. They played well which is always a bonus. Butterfield tossed Keizo a ball!! And he gave it to me, so now I have a ball too =) It was off of Corey Koskie's bat. Keizo bought a Gabe Gross bat on the way out. He also burned this punk kid which was funny.
Work starts so soon!! I'm getting pretty nervous. At least I know what to do first day though. Oh, and I finally got my offer letter, although just in pdf form. I was getting a little worried since she kept saying i'd get it in a couple days and I never got it. I doubted there was anything to worry about though. Why else would they buy me a study manual if they weren't going to hire me? hehe. I discovered I got a raise for passing M which is fun. Studying for C has been going alright so far. I'd rather be watching The O.C. though. I bought Season 2 and have watched the first 2 discs but that's it.
Not much else is up. Been going for lunch with Keizo at the plaza. Went to morty's and McGinnis. Soooo much eating out!! But this weekend I have my dad to make me food =) Yay! I like my dad's cooking.
Work starts so soon!! I'm getting pretty nervous. At least I know what to do first day though. Oh, and I finally got my offer letter, although just in pdf form. I was getting a little worried since she kept saying i'd get it in a couple days and I never got it. I doubted there was anything to worry about though. Why else would they buy me a study manual if they weren't going to hire me? hehe. I discovered I got a raise for passing M which is fun. Studying for C has been going alright so far. I'd rather be watching The O.C. though. I bought Season 2 and have watched the first 2 discs but that's it.
Not much else is up. Been going for lunch with Keizo at the plaza. Went to morty's and McGinnis. Soooo much eating out!! But this weekend I have my dad to make me food =) Yay! I like my dad's cooking.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Life in Kincardine
Kincardine was super boring at first, but I got used to it. I've been reading, watching tv/movies alot, and doing some studying every day. It's relaxing and productive so I've been content.
Thankfully, I got to see Holly a few times which prevented me from going house crazy. She came over for supper the one night and she brought me a birthday present =) Fun sock from Florence!!! As well as glow in the dark stir sticks and a book from a series I'm already addicted to. Monday night I went to Tiv to hang out with Holly and watch her mom's softball game. I had fun. I found it weird how much they stole bases though. Then last night I went to visit Holly In Wingham. Driving went well. I got comfortable driving again which is nice. Other than missing the turn off on the way there it was pretty much eventless. We played Simpsons Clue, which was funny with two people. We also played a game of life. I enjoyed that too, especially since it was fun to remember what original life is like. I got to see Holly's pictures from her time in Europe. They were sooo amazing. Oh! I also drove to the pizza place! Really not a big deal at all, but since I rarely drive it was still amusing to me. Mmmm the pizza was good and my mom made a cake for me to bring!! It was yummy too. All in all I had a good time. I'm leaving Saturday though, so the next time I'll see Holly will be in Toronto. Can't wait for that. It'll be good.
So today I watched some OC S1. I got to see the thanksgiving episode. Oh how I love the thanksgiving episode. I can't wait to watch the episode where it rains when I buy S2. I'm downloading BB6 since I missed it last night. Oh, I also downloaded GG finale to watch before I watch the premiere in Sept. Ohhh I can't wait for new tv to start!!!
Thankfully, I got to see Holly a few times which prevented me from going house crazy. She came over for supper the one night and she brought me a birthday present =) Fun sock from Florence!!! As well as glow in the dark stir sticks and a book from a series I'm already addicted to. Monday night I went to Tiv to hang out with Holly and watch her mom's softball game. I had fun. I found it weird how much they stole bases though. Then last night I went to visit Holly In Wingham. Driving went well. I got comfortable driving again which is nice. Other than missing the turn off on the way there it was pretty much eventless. We played Simpsons Clue, which was funny with two people. We also played a game of life. I enjoyed that too, especially since it was fun to remember what original life is like. I got to see Holly's pictures from her time in Europe. They were sooo amazing. Oh! I also drove to the pizza place! Really not a big deal at all, but since I rarely drive it was still amusing to me. Mmmm the pizza was good and my mom made a cake for me to bring!! It was yummy too. All in all I had a good time. I'm leaving Saturday though, so the next time I'll see Holly will be in Toronto. Can't wait for that. It'll be good.
So today I watched some OC S1. I got to see the thanksgiving episode. Oh how I love the thanksgiving episode. I can't wait to watch the episode where it rains when I buy S2. I'm downloading BB6 since I missed it last night. Oh, I also downloaded GG finale to watch before I watch the premiere in Sept. Ohhh I can't wait for new tv to start!!!
Monday, August 15, 2005
Quiet Birthday
Friday I got to go to the dentist. I might be getting out my wisdom teeth during reading "week". Nothing is for sure yet, but it sounds like it's a good idea. After that I met up with Holly and Nadia for lunch. Not many things have changed in Kincardine, but they redid one of the restaurants and it's alot better. The food was good, but not what I'd normally want to eat. Anyway, we had alot of fun, and afterwards Holly and I hung out. Too bad there's nothing to do in Kincardine!! Oh well.
My Birthday was Saturday and I just took it easy in Kincardine with my mom. I was woken up by birthday presents. I got this really neat purse, and this flashlight that doesn't need batteries. I got to watch gilmore girls in the morning and my mom made me a bagel and got me some grapes hehe. This may not sound like a big deal because of what I've said about my dad, but my mom doesn't spoil me often. We went out, I bought a hot plate for my place in toronto, and my mom got me this really pretty dragonfly brooch. When we got home we watched a couple episodes of the O.C. My mom made me a really yummy supper. We had barbecued hamburgers, and salads. My mom got ALOT better at using the bbq. She used to mess everything up, but the burgers were amazing. I skipped on dessert, cause we're going to have molton cakes tomorrow night and Holly is coming over. I got the usual phone calls, and some nice c-ards from people =) Not much else happened, although I was amused somebody (i won't name names) forgot my birthday after I reminded them. I was like "Hey Ryan, it's my brithday tomorrow. You better not forget like you forgot Kellie's." the person replied "I won't". Too funny.
My study manual came on Friday. At least now when I get bored I have studying to put off, which is never boring ;)
My Birthday was Saturday and I just took it easy in Kincardine with my mom. I was woken up by birthday presents. I got this really neat purse, and this flashlight that doesn't need batteries. I got to watch gilmore girls in the morning and my mom made me a bagel and got me some grapes hehe. This may not sound like a big deal because of what I've said about my dad, but my mom doesn't spoil me often. We went out, I bought a hot plate for my place in toronto, and my mom got me this really pretty dragonfly brooch. When we got home we watched a couple episodes of the O.C. My mom made me a really yummy supper. We had barbecued hamburgers, and salads. My mom got ALOT better at using the bbq. She used to mess everything up, but the burgers were amazing. I skipped on dessert, cause we're going to have molton cakes tomorrow night and Holly is coming over. I got the usual phone calls, and some nice c-ards from people =) Not much else happened, although I was amused somebody (i won't name names) forgot my birthday after I reminded them. I was like "Hey Ryan, it's my brithday tomorrow. You better not forget like you forgot Kellie's." the person replied "I won't". Too funny.
My study manual came on Friday. At least now when I get bored I have studying to put off, which is never boring ;)
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
I'm Wireless!
My new laptop came today. I was happy to see the "wi fi" light on when it was loading. Very good sign. In fact, it works perfectly, and so far everything else seems great too. Now I just have to return the old one then I can be off to Kincardine. Well, I have a bit of packing to do but that's all.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Smirnoff Twisted
Last night I went to Mitchell with Keizo for his friends Buck and Doe. I got to try Smirnoff Twisted Watermelon and Black Cherry. The Black Cherry was better than the Watermelon, but I still like Mandrin best. I also got a Smirnoff Twisted bottle opener! It rocks. The night was mostly talking to Keizo's Mitchell friends. His one friend who is tall and strong decided it was fun to lift me up and raise me up into the air. It was amusing.
Right now we're making cookies. The first batch is cooked. They look really yummy!
Right now we're making cookies. The first batch is cooked. They look really yummy!
Friday, August 05, 2005
Happy Day!
I had my last final this morning and now I'm sitting around... not doing much really hehe. I got to watch Days, which I haven't seen since my last study day. I went and bought more chocolate. Cadubury Special 43% Dark Chocolate with chopped up almonds. So good. I'm addicted!!
My new laptop was shipped today. Supposed to arrive between the 9 and 11th. I wanted to leave on the 10th... not sure what I'll do now.
I'm getting an ASM Study Manual!!! Work is buying it for me! This rocks. This is the first time I've worked for a company that pays for Study Manuals as a co-op. Makes me happy!
So some things that made this term memorable:
4 seasons of Scrubs
4 ice cream cakes (incl. Happy Wedding Bob and Stu)
many various trips across the street
24 Season 1
Gilmore Girls
The Wrong Guy (shot in BCE Place!)
Limited Edition Angel Puppet
Jays games (and my new love for Orlando Hudson)
mini golf
Simpsons Life
socialising during class (incl. giggling about no neptune and balogne)
passing Exam M
Just spending time with friends
pens and fungi(x2)
exploding taps
learning how to make toast
Some things I'm looking forward to
working at Aon
"wing" night
writing Exam C
watching the O.C. in HDTV (especially seeing Seth in HD!! Although, I haven't asked Chris or Jeff if Matt and I can come watch an epsidose of the O.C. at their place yet hehe *crosses fingers)
In the mean time, I get to spend some time with Keizo, go home home and see my mom and her garden. On Tuesday I get to see Wei and soon i get to see Holly!!
My new laptop was shipped today. Supposed to arrive between the 9 and 11th. I wanted to leave on the 10th... not sure what I'll do now.
I'm getting an ASM Study Manual!!! Work is buying it for me! This rocks. This is the first time I've worked for a company that pays for Study Manuals as a co-op. Makes me happy!
So some things that made this term memorable:
4 seasons of Scrubs
4 ice cream cakes (incl. Happy Wedding Bob and Stu)
many various trips across the street
24 Season 1
Gilmore Girls
The Wrong Guy (shot in BCE Place!)
Limited Edition Angel Puppet
Jays games (and my new love for Orlando Hudson)
mini golf
Simpsons Life
socialising during class (incl. giggling about no neptune and balogne)
passing Exam M
Just spending time with friends
pens and fungi(x2)
exploding taps
learning how to make toast
Some things I'm looking forward to
working at Aon
"wing" night
writing Exam C
watching the O.C. in HDTV (especially seeing Seth in HD!! Although, I haven't asked Chris or Jeff if Matt and I can come watch an epsidose of the O.C. at their place yet hehe *crosses fingers)
In the mean time, I get to spend some time with Keizo, go home home and see my mom and her garden. On Tuesday I get to see Wei and soon i get to see Holly!!
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Not quite, but oh well
So this morning I got up and i discovered my laptop was on it's way to be delivered!! Yay!! Then a couple hours later it says they tried to deliver and nobody was home. ??!!! I had the front door open and I was watching for them. There was no note saying they were here. So I phoned them and went on and on how they couldn't have been here, etc, etc. Finally I got them to try again today. I guess the delivery guy realized a bit later that he went to the wrong street so came not too long after that. Bad news, the wireless card doesn't work!!!!!! Matt was great and talked to the tech help desk for me and he got to look into my laptop (sort of) to look at the wireless card, and in fact it does not work. They are sending a new laptop though and currently I am "wireless" as far as my network cable reaches hehe.
Right now I'm talking to Keizo while he's at the baseball game, I'm watching the game on yahoo sports, and I'm in matts room talking on msn. It's fun! After the game is done it's BB6 time. It's nice to enjoy some tv. I haven't enjoyed tv (that's on tv now, not DVD's hehe) in a while.
Right now I'm talking to Keizo while he's at the baseball game, I'm watching the game on yahoo sports, and I'm in matts room talking on msn. It's fun! After the game is done it's BB6 time. It's nice to enjoy some tv. I haven't enjoyed tv (that's on tv now, not DVD's hehe) in a while.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Almost here
The purolator site updated and it says my laptop has reached toronto!! So that means I should (hopefully?!) be getting it tomorrow.
Classes are mostly done. There's music class still, but my other classes have finished up the material. I still have to go to class thursday and friday though to hand in assignments. *shakes head* Why the need to make us go to class?? He could have said no class, drop off assignments at my door before this time. What Poopyheads.
Holly's back in Canada!! Yay!!! I get to talk to her tonight, and see her in August sometime!
Classes are mostly done. There's music class still, but my other classes have finished up the material. I still have to go to class thursday and friday though to hand in assignments. *shakes head* Why the need to make us go to class?? He could have said no class, drop off assignments at my door before this time. What Poopyheads.
Holly's back in Canada!! Yay!!! I get to talk to her tonight, and see her in August sometime!
Friday, July 22, 2005
Widescreen goodness
I was writing about my place for the fall. What I didn't mention was how there isn't alot of desk space. My computer would take up half the space, and if I brought my stereo as well, I'd have no desk space. Sept and Oct will be extremely important for studying. I need to be comfortable studying and I need to study lots, which means I need my space. The desk is perfect for studying, but I need my computer. Solution: I'm buying a laptop! It's the Dell Inspirion 6000. It is fast enough, has enough RAM, space, and all that good stuff. I picked the one I wanted and then I found an online coupon that ended up saving me 200 dollars and it came with a DVD burner which I wasn't planning on bothering with. It's mostly because it now doesn't come with Office Basic. Score. Anyway, I'm really excited and can't wait to get it. I've been trying to constrain myself from saying "I want my laptop" many times a day. Finals are coming up extremely quickly so hopefully work will distract me until it gets here.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Lots of good stuff
First, this will be difficult for me to post. I'm using Keizo's computer and his theme is all weird and so currently I'm typing white text on a white background. I may have to edit it .
So, result day was the other week and I passed Exam M with a 9 so I'm very happy. Result day isisn't quite as fun when you're 99% sure you passed, but it's still nice to see my number up there! Soon my name will be up there too.
School has been going surprisingly well. I was having trouble studying for midterms, so I didn't study as much as I thought I would. Gilmore girls distracted me as well as not feeling like studying, but they all turned out well. Either The midterms were just generally easy or or I'm used to studying lots from Exam M so it just doesn't seem like I'm studyuing alot. I'll say it's a cobo,.
I have a place to live!! Yay! It's near Broadview subway station so not too far. It's fully furnished which is very convient. My own bathroom! It has a tv, vcr, desk, bed, microwave, toaster oven, sink, so it's pretty much self contained. I can go upstairs to use the stove if I want, which I might because I don't thinkI can live without LKraft dinner. I think I may buy a hot plate so I can make stir fry or grilled cheese or eggs or something.
My most exciting news is I got my Angel Puppet!!!! I will try to take a couple pictures soon, but I can't use my camera cause I still don't have my usb cord. I think Matt will let me use his =)
So, result day was the other week and I passed Exam M with a 9 so I'm very happy. Result day isisn't quite as fun when you're 99% sure you passed, but it's still nice to see my number up there! Soon my name will be up there too.
School has been going surprisingly well. I was having trouble studying for midterms, so I didn't study as much as I thought I would. Gilmore girls distracted me as well as not feeling like studying, but they all turned out well. Either The midterms were just generally easy or or I'm used to studying lots from Exam M so it just doesn't seem like I'm studyuing alot. I'll say it's a cobo,.
I have a place to live!! Yay! It's near Broadview subway station so not too far. It's fully furnished which is very convient. My own bathroom! It has a tv, vcr, desk, bed, microwave, toaster oven, sink, so it's pretty much self contained. I can go upstairs to use the stove if I want, which I might because I don't thinkI can live without LKraft dinner. I think I may buy a hot plate so I can make stir fry or grilled cheese or eggs or something.
My most exciting news is I got my Angel Puppet!!!! I will try to take a couple pictures soon, but I can't use my camera cause I still don't have my usb cord. I think Matt will let me use his =)
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Saturday I was supposed to study for a midterm, but I didn't feel like it so I convinced Keizo we should go mini golfing instead. We went to the mall first, then went to Sports World. I had lots of fun. It was funny, because while we were playing this kid caught up to us and he was playing alone. We ended up letting him play with us. I guess his brother shot his ball into the water and didn't want to go get a new ball so deserted him. He was a pretty good kid. He just had fun, didn't care if he missed or anything. I was impressed. Afterwards we went to Outback and I got a yummy girly drink and steak. Then we went to futureshop and I bought Gilmore girls. I had to get a new copy cause a couple of were badly scratched. It's such a great show. I'm so addicted. It's a different great than Scrubs is though.
Today it decided to pour really hard right when we had to walk to class. Sitting in jeans soaked up to my hips for 3 hours was not fun. But I'm in dry comfy pjays now so I'm happy.
Today it decided to pour really hard right when we had to walk to class. Sitting in jeans soaked up to my hips for 3 hours was not fun. But I'm in dry comfy pjays now so I'm happy.
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Easiest Cts Ever
I felt pretty discouraged not getting ranked for a job, but the day after Aon Consulting called me up wanting a phone interview. I had it today and they gave me the job so now I have a job! wooo! I'm excited, because I wanted to try pension consulting and now i get to! Back to Toronto I go =)
Monday, June 20, 2005
I guess it could be worst
Bad News: I'm in continuous and still looking for a job. How irritating. Maybe I'll just go back to my old job.
Good News: I ate trans fat free chocolate cake with trans fat free vanilla icing while watching scrubs.
Oh, and i got to hang out with Ang a bunch on Saturday which was fun.
Good News: I ate trans fat free chocolate cake with trans fat free vanilla icing while watching scrubs.
Oh, and i got to hang out with Ang a bunch on Saturday which was fun.
Friday, June 10, 2005
Magic Butter
Last weekend I finally bought my DVD burner!! It's fun. I've missed having one. I also got to play life, and just see keizo =) I had a nice weekened.
I played more life later and we bought ice cream cake!!! Soooo yummy. I know i'll be spending lots of money at dairy queen this summer. It'll be well worth the money with this icky hot weather.
So Keizo has a new hairstyle. It doesn't look at bad as I would have guessed though. It's actually okay =)
Today Matt drove us to the grocery store, thanks matt!! While I was there I found trans fat free popcorn!!! Yay Blue Menu!! You never cease to amaze me. I was sooo excited. I bought butter flavour. Ryan decided to try some too but he got the plain popcorn. We compared the nutrition value and there was absolutely no difference between the butter and plain popcorn. Therefore, it's magic butter! hehe
I played more life later and we bought ice cream cake!!! Soooo yummy. I know i'll be spending lots of money at dairy queen this summer. It'll be well worth the money with this icky hot weather.
So Keizo has a new hairstyle. It doesn't look at bad as I would have guessed though. It's actually okay =)
Today Matt drove us to the grocery store, thanks matt!! While I was there I found trans fat free popcorn!!! Yay Blue Menu!! You never cease to amaze me. I was sooo excited. I bought butter flavour. Ryan decided to try some too but he got the plain popcorn. We compared the nutrition value and there was absolutely no difference between the butter and plain popcorn. Therefore, it's magic butter! hehe
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Tonight was refreshing. I've had a busy few days with school since I got behind studying for Exam M. I wrote a quiz today and it turned out to be easier than I expected so I was happy. I enjoyed my fresh food for supper, i love having food. I had no food left so I was so glad to go grocery shopping yesterday. Keizo brought up my CDs last night to rip some of them. People keep commenting on how random some of them are. So I played some French Rap for Matt and Ryan tonight. Quite amusing. It's really not very good *lol*
Graphics projects are fun! I'm glad I don't have to write one... but getting to see people's puppets is cool though hehe.
So Exam M is finished which means I can concentrate on school and interviews for a while. I can finally wear my new suit!!! horray!
Holly is the best. She sent me postcards and pasta and a scarf from Italy!! And chocolate from Germany and Switzerland. The chocolat is LONG gone and it was yummy. I plan on making my pasta last longer than the chocolate hehe. Thanks again Holly!!!!!
So the weekend after Exam M i got to see my O-Dog!!! The highlights of the game were O-Dog making a triple, and when they showed his ass on the big screen *lol* I was too shy to yell his name when he was walking by us before the game started in hopes of getting one of those beautiful smiles directed at me. Maybe next time... *wishful thought* hehe
I love Gimore girls. My mother, the Howard Roark of Stars Hollow. Yay for Ayn Rand references!
Graphics projects are fun! I'm glad I don't have to write one... but getting to see people's puppets is cool though hehe.
So Exam M is finished which means I can concentrate on school and interviews for a while. I can finally wear my new suit!!! horray!
Holly is the best. She sent me postcards and pasta and a scarf from Italy!! And chocolate from Germany and Switzerland. The chocolat is LONG gone and it was yummy. I plan on making my pasta last longer than the chocolate hehe. Thanks again Holly!!!!!
So the weekend after Exam M i got to see my O-Dog!!! The highlights of the game were O-Dog making a triple, and when they showed his ass on the big screen *lol* I was too shy to yell his name when he was walking by us before the game started in hopes of getting one of those beautiful smiles directed at me. Maybe next time... *wishful thought* hehe
I love Gimore girls. My mother, the Howard Roark of Stars Hollow. Yay for Ayn Rand references!
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
School once again
School's started back up and is boring review like usual. I'm not sure why I bother going. I guess I'm afraid i'll miss something useful, or miss the first class that isn't review. I don't know. It's nice to be back in the routine of school though. I've missed my actsc friends, even though I won't really be seeing them much until after the exams are done.
One week in july is hilarious though. All I have is 2 midterms and a night class. No other classes. Actsc profs are gone on some conference.
It's great having everyone moved back in to the townhouse. I've missed living with such great friends.
My mom came to visit me on Saturday. I've missed her. We had a great visit. Then later that night Keizo and I went and saw Fever Pitch. I really liked it, i thought it was cute. Keizo was angry at "inaccuracies" hehe.
Not much else is new... Been studying. 2 weeks to go and then it's the long wait until july.
One week in july is hilarious though. All I have is 2 midterms and a night class. No other classes. Actsc profs are gone on some conference.
It's great having everyone moved back in to the townhouse. I've missed living with such great friends.
My mom came to visit me on Saturday. I've missed her. We had a great visit. Then later that night Keizo and I went and saw Fever Pitch. I really liked it, i thought it was cute. Keizo was angry at "inaccuracies" hehe.
Not much else is new... Been studying. 2 weeks to go and then it's the long wait until july.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
I could kiss you Kraft
Matt informed me of the new and improved Kraft Peanut Butter. I've been deprived and I can finally eat Kraft Peanut butter again. I am estatic. I bought some today when I went grocery shopping. Kraft is improving, but it's no Blue Menu. I bought many things from Blue Menu today. I'm excited about them.
Kellie is the biggest sweetheart. She made me supper Sunday night and sent me to the library with food :) She's the greatest.
It's nice to be back in Waterloo. I wasn't too impressed I was greeted with snow, but I'll live. I've unpacked my room so it's home again. I'm going to miss toronto, but at least I'll get to go there a couple times to see a ball game.
Kellie is the biggest sweetheart. She made me supper Sunday night and sent me to the library with food :) She's the greatest.
It's nice to be back in Waterloo. I wasn't too impressed I was greeted with snow, but I'll live. I've unpacked my room so it's home again. I'm going to miss toronto, but at least I'll get to go there a couple times to see a ball game.
Saturday, April 23, 2005
"I'm an Actuary, I can work anywhere"
I was soooo amused today during lunch. My little brother was watching Kim Possible and I wasn't really paying attention, but then I heard "I'm an actuary, I can work anywhere" and i just couldn't believe my ears. I just thought that was hilarious.
So yesterday was my last day. I was hoping I could leave early, but that didn't happen! All morning I was working my ass off on a quote. For lunch, my department took me to this pizza place just down the street. I was impressed, it was a nice place. I got a pizza with spicey italian sausage, broccoli, and snowpeas. It was tastey. It was a nice lunch. They thanked me for all the work I've done and such. I'm really going to miss it there. The CEO is really great as well. She knew it was my last day and thanked me for all the work I did. Very nice of her. After work, my friend from work, Jon, bought me dessert and showed me some of the u of t campus. Wow is it ever big. I love walking around downtown toronto. It's so cool. I'm going to miss toronto so much.
Today the fire alarm went off in the apartment. It was crazy!! 3 fire trucks came and everything. I was amused. I'm used to nothing happening when a fire alarm goes off. My other apartments were like that anyway.
I went bowling with Vincent, and Dad tagged along. It was pretty fun. I was glad I could spend a bit of time with Vincent since I won't be seeing him for a long time probably. We also went to the golden griddle for supper which was nice.
So I'm supposed to be packing now. Well, at least I have some of my laundry done... I just hope it doesn't take too long to get everything ready. Most of the stuff I brought I didn't unpack so it shouldn't be too bad.
Back in the 'loo tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to the hard-core studying it'll bring, but I miss everyone. I'm not too excited about school... well, i am looking forward to Popular Music and Culture!!! Who knows, maybe Loss Models will surprise me and be very interesting. I doubt that though. I'm sure bomber will more than make up for that though ;)
So yesterday was my last day. I was hoping I could leave early, but that didn't happen! All morning I was working my ass off on a quote. For lunch, my department took me to this pizza place just down the street. I was impressed, it was a nice place. I got a pizza with spicey italian sausage, broccoli, and snowpeas. It was tastey. It was a nice lunch. They thanked me for all the work I've done and such. I'm really going to miss it there. The CEO is really great as well. She knew it was my last day and thanked me for all the work I did. Very nice of her. After work, my friend from work, Jon, bought me dessert and showed me some of the u of t campus. Wow is it ever big. I love walking around downtown toronto. It's so cool. I'm going to miss toronto so much.
Today the fire alarm went off in the apartment. It was crazy!! 3 fire trucks came and everything. I was amused. I'm used to nothing happening when a fire alarm goes off. My other apartments were like that anyway.
I went bowling with Vincent, and Dad tagged along. It was pretty fun. I was glad I could spend a bit of time with Vincent since I won't be seeing him for a long time probably. We also went to the golden griddle for supper which was nice.
So I'm supposed to be packing now. Well, at least I have some of my laundry done... I just hope it doesn't take too long to get everything ready. Most of the stuff I brought I didn't unpack so it shouldn't be too bad.
Back in the 'loo tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to the hard-core studying it'll bring, but I miss everyone. I'm not too excited about school... well, i am looking forward to Popular Music and Culture!!! Who knows, maybe Loss Models will surprise me and be very interesting. I doubt that though. I'm sure bomber will more than make up for that though ;)
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Yep, that's right. I finally did it. I got my excellent co-op evaluation.
Today amused me. At work, one of the actuaries came up and asked me if I wanted this wooden box with a swiss re logo on it and inside was a number one pool ball! hahaha. Of course I said yes. Then they came back and asked if I wanted this swiss re logo paper weight. Yes again!! They came to me a third (and final) time asking me if I wanted this weird cube thing that sort of folds apart a certain way and eventually gets back to wear you started. It's cool!
Tonight was last *wing* night. We went to this little place on front and it was neat. It was quick though, so we walked up to the eaton center and chris, matter, jeff got dairy queen. I was full from the FREE Ben and Jerry's ice cream at 4.
A pretty decent day, considering it started with my train arriving at union 15 minutes late!!
Oh, and tomorrow is my last study day. Now if my headache would go away everything would be great.
Today amused me. At work, one of the actuaries came up and asked me if I wanted this wooden box with a swiss re logo on it and inside was a number one pool ball! hahaha. Of course I said yes. Then they came back and asked if I wanted this swiss re logo paper weight. Yes again!! They came to me a third (and final) time asking me if I wanted this weird cube thing that sort of folds apart a certain way and eventually gets back to wear you started. It's cool!
Tonight was last *wing* night. We went to this little place on front and it was neat. It was quick though, so we walked up to the eaton center and chris, matter, jeff got dairy queen. I was full from the FREE Ben and Jerry's ice cream at 4.
A pretty decent day, considering it started with my train arriving at union 15 minutes late!!
Oh, and tomorrow is my last study day. Now if my headache would go away everything would be great.
Monday, April 18, 2005
3 Days Left
Today was the big move into the new building at work today. It's pretty nice, but it's no BCE Place. I got there and there was champagne, chocolate dipped strawberries, balloons, lots of food, and presents! Pretty impressive. I have a brand new LCD Monitor at work. It's gorgeous. Think they'll let me take it home with me?? *sigh* Half the day was checking out the new building and unpacking which is okay, but i have soooo much to do it wasn't good.
This weekend was decent. It did start Thursday at noon so I really can't complain hehe. I watched Spanglish with my dad. It was really good. I have Ocean's Twelve to watch still. I'm excited for that one. Sunday I went to Peterborough to visit my grandmas. It was supposed to be a short visit with both of them, then home before supper time. No such luck. We ended up staying for supper so I didn't get home till much later than planned. Oh well.
I still can't believe I'm done work on Friday. I'm glad to be moving back to Waterloo but I'll miss Swiss Re and toronto. I already had to say good bye to one of the girls in treaty =( Sunday's the big move. Thankfully I haven't unpacked much so it shouldn't be too difficult to get ready for it.
This weekend was decent. It did start Thursday at noon so I really can't complain hehe. I watched Spanglish with my dad. It was really good. I have Ocean's Twelve to watch still. I'm excited for that one. Sunday I went to Peterborough to visit my grandmas. It was supposed to be a short visit with both of them, then home before supper time. No such luck. We ended up staying for supper so I didn't get home till much later than planned. Oh well.
I still can't believe I'm done work on Friday. I'm glad to be moving back to Waterloo but I'll miss Swiss Re and toronto. I already had to say good bye to one of the girls in treaty =( Sunday's the big move. Thankfully I haven't unpacked much so it shouldn't be too difficult to get ready for it.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Wing night was really good tonight. We went to this pizza place in Matters building and I was very surprised. It was really good. Normally I buy the thick crust lots of bread pizza cause I love my bread, but this was thin crust stuff. It was well done, crispy, dark, great. I thought it was very tastey.
I brought everyone cake for dessert tonight. Thought I'd make it a tradition. I would have done it next week but the yummy dessert place is in BCE Place and Adrienne came to wing night, so it seems right to make it tonight since she was the reason I brought in cake last time =)
Matty brought the Razr to wing night so we could all see. It was the ugliest phone. Reena, why do you want your dad to buy it? It's UGLY. Nobody liked it. You're insane.
Tomorrow I'm in charge of the pricing department. I have 3 meetings with very important clients and get to make lots of major decisions. Either that or everyone else is at a conference so I get to be teased about being in charge hehe.
I brought everyone cake for dessert tonight. Thought I'd make it a tradition. I would have done it next week but the yummy dessert place is in BCE Place and Adrienne came to wing night, so it seems right to make it tonight since she was the reason I brought in cake last time =)
Matty brought the Razr to wing night so we could all see. It was the ugliest phone. Reena, why do you want your dad to buy it? It's UGLY. Nobody liked it. You're insane.
Tomorrow I'm in charge of the pricing department. I have 3 meetings with very important clients and get to make lots of major decisions. Either that or everyone else is at a conference so I get to be teased about being in charge hehe.
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Smile Time
I can't wait for May so I can buy an Angel Puppet. I watched that episode this morning. The best is when he's a vampire puppet hehe.
I got really sick of wearing my winter boots when it is so nice out. I've been looking for new shoes for a while but I couldn't decide what I wanted. When that's the case, on sale shoes are perfect and this is what I found. I'm much happier now.

New shoes
I got really sick of wearing my winter boots when it is so nice out. I've been looking for new shoes for a while but I couldn't decide what I wanted. When that's the case, on sale shoes are perfect and this is what I found. I'm much happier now.

New shoes

Thursday, April 07, 2005
8008 to go!
I just need 8008 shoppers optimum points to reach the next reward level and I get 75 dollars of free stuff!!! I'm so excited.
While I was in Shoppers I bought Praline filled chocolate eggs. They are incredible. They remind me of Easter in France. My French Mom bought everyone a hollow easter character filled with chocolates inside. Mine had Praline filled chocolate eggs in it. I must buy more. Lots more.
I watched Mr. 3000 last night. It was pretty amusing. I felt all proud to understand what they were talking about when they mentioned the national league hehe.
While I was in Shoppers I bought Praline filled chocolate eggs. They are incredible. They remind me of Easter in France. My French Mom bought everyone a hollow easter character filled with chocolates inside. Mine had Praline filled chocolate eggs in it. I must buy more. Lots more.
I watched Mr. 3000 last night. It was pretty amusing. I felt all proud to understand what they were talking about when they mentioned the national league hehe.
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Sense of Reality
Tonight for *wing* night we went to Jeff and Chris' Place. Chris' new tv is really cool. It's silver which is like an added bonus. So anyway, Jeff made wings. Apparently they tasted good, but some were burnt which amused me. hehe. Overall, very well done though :) Chris made pasta and it was yummy as usual. He broke the linguinie though. I was disgusted. Not only was it harder to eat, it tasted different! hehe, okay, so maybe it didn't taste different.
I thought my yogurt buddy would reply themselves about who they are. Maybe they are embaressed.
I think I've gotten used to the elevators at work. When I'm in the apartment elevator, i can't tell it's moving anymore. I remember being able to tell it's moving at work, unless I'm remembering wrong. Maybe my theory is just wrong. Or maybe that was its plan all along. Confused yet?
The rest of this week is business casual, and then from Friday till my last day it's jean day. I'm happy, cause casual at work when normally forbidden rocks. I wanted to wear my new suit once before I left though. I've been told by a few people to wear it anyway. I'm still iffy. Everybody in jeans... me in a suit?? I'm not sure if I could do it.
I thought my yogurt buddy would reply themselves about who they are. Maybe they are embaressed.
I think I've gotten used to the elevators at work. When I'm in the apartment elevator, i can't tell it's moving anymore. I remember being able to tell it's moving at work, unless I'm remembering wrong. Maybe my theory is just wrong. Or maybe that was its plan all along. Confused yet?
The rest of this week is business casual, and then from Friday till my last day it's jean day. I'm happy, cause casual at work when normally forbidden rocks. I wanted to wear my new suit once before I left though. I've been told by a few people to wear it anyway. I'm still iffy. Everybody in jeans... me in a suit?? I'm not sure if I could do it.
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Armed and Fabulous
So this weekend was alot of fun. Friday night we went to bomber to celebrate Kellie's birthday. It was Edge 101.2 night. The music was fun but my legs were sore so I wasn't in a big dancing mood. It was fun though, it was great being out with everyone. I miss Waterloo. Saturday Keizo and I went out for breakfast and saw Miss C 2. I haven't seen a Sandra movie in threaters since the first Miss C so I am very happy =)
I'm amused, I'm bringing another coffee table to Waterloo. If Ang doesn't bring hers with her to London we'll have 4. I figure we'll move one or two somewhere else. It's a really nice coffee table though, and it's big. hehe.
On Wednesday I found the perfect interview suit. I'm very excited. I just need to get it hemmed and find shoes. I went browsing Thursday and I have a good idea of what I want. I have to finish my resume soon. I forgot postings started the 2nd week of school. I'll be busy then so I don't want to have to worry about it later.
I'm thinking of taking Tai Chi this semester. I shouldn't be too busy and I think it'll be alot of fun. I might also take a Step class. It all depends when they are offered though.
Gmail rocks. Ctsly increasing mail storage was the coolest idea. So much more fun than just giving an extra gig at once. I'm confused though, it's still increasing. When will it stop? Oh, and google gulp was hilarious. That was the only april fools thing i read though. Silly work being so busy.
I'm amused, I'm bringing another coffee table to Waterloo. If Ang doesn't bring hers with her to London we'll have 4. I figure we'll move one or two somewhere else. It's a really nice coffee table though, and it's big. hehe.
On Wednesday I found the perfect interview suit. I'm very excited. I just need to get it hemmed and find shoes. I went browsing Thursday and I have a good idea of what I want. I have to finish my resume soon. I forgot postings started the 2nd week of school. I'll be busy then so I don't want to have to worry about it later.
I'm thinking of taking Tai Chi this semester. I shouldn't be too busy and I think it'll be alot of fun. I might also take a Step class. It all depends when they are offered though.
Gmail rocks. Ctsly increasing mail storage was the coolest idea. So much more fun than just giving an extra gig at once. I'm confused though, it's still increasing. When will it stop? Oh, and google gulp was hilarious. That was the only april fools thing i read though. Silly work being so busy.
Saturday, March 19, 2005
I got a new calculator today. It's the same model I have right now, but it's in a pretty blue!! Why do I need two calculators of the same model you ask? In case one breaks of course. And just think how it'll give a fresh fun vibe to my studying.
My dad also bought me Angel Season 5. I now own the series! I'm excited to watch this season. It was really good. And since I know what happens, it'll be easier to see everything that was going on that I missed the first time. Kind of like The Sixth Sense. Yes, I just compared Angel to a Bruce Willis movie hahahaha.
I'm in a chip frenzie. We bought Sour Cream and Onion and Salsa chips. I'm still not hungry from lunch though, so I'm patiently waiting to dig into them. The question, which to open first? It would make sense if I opened the Sour Cream and Onion first, because we have 2 bags of that, but Salsa is still so new, so it's especially yummy and tempting. I wish my yogurt buddy was around. I'd trust his opinion on which I should eat first, since he has such great yogurt taste. Too bad Angela isn't around either. She could help. She loves both as much as I do. I could open both, but I don't think I would appreciate either to their full potential that way.
My dad also bought me Angel Season 5. I now own the series! I'm excited to watch this season. It was really good. And since I know what happens, it'll be easier to see everything that was going on that I missed the first time. Kind of like The Sixth Sense. Yes, I just compared Angel to a Bruce Willis movie hahahaha.
I'm in a chip frenzie. We bought Sour Cream and Onion and Salsa chips. I'm still not hungry from lunch though, so I'm patiently waiting to dig into them. The question, which to open first? It would make sense if I opened the Sour Cream and Onion first, because we have 2 bags of that, but Salsa is still so new, so it's especially yummy and tempting. I wish my yogurt buddy was around. I'd trust his opinion on which I should eat first, since he has such great yogurt taste. Too bad Angela isn't around either. She could help. She loves both as much as I do. I could open both, but I don't think I would appreciate either to their full potential that way.
Friday, March 18, 2005
End of the Line
I just watched the last two episodes of Coupling Season 2. Funniest episodes ever!!!! I love Coupling!! But now, I have to pee. So that's all for now.
Friday, February 25, 2005
Exciting Times
First i just have to say the O.C. was AMAZING last night. I love the O.C.!!!!!
Now... the exciting times. New Sandra movie in may! Horray!! It's called Crash. You can see a trailer there. If you watch it, you'll see it looks good, and it's not just a Sandra fan saying it looks good. Also, while I was there I checked out the Hitchhiker's trailer. It looks amazing! I can't wait.
Oh! I discovered the title of the new Miss Congeniality movie. It's called Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous. *lol*
Now... the exciting times. New Sandra movie in may! Horray!! It's called Crash. You can see a trailer there. If you watch it, you'll see it looks good, and it's not just a Sandra fan saying it looks good. Also, while I was there I checked out the Hitchhiker's trailer. It looks amazing! I can't wait.
Oh! I discovered the title of the new Miss Congeniality movie. It's called Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous. *lol*
Sunday, February 20, 2005
Gorgeous Cars
Valentine's was really nice this year. Keizo and I went downtown on Saturday. Did some shopping and went to Pickle Barrel for supper. I was impressed, Keizo found a very thoughtful gift. An Ayna doll with a bunny suit! I've realized Ayna was one of my favourite characters so it's a really cool gift. Holly and I have been looking at other buffy/angel stuff and I've found a couple other things I might like too! Keizo also bought me love actually, which I think i'll watch this weekend and a chocolate flower. He found me really cute panda chocolates the following weekend! My favourite one says "Free Bear Hugs" hehe.

Ahhh! Bunnies!

A Panda Valentine's Day
This weekend I went to Waterloo for Rob's birthday. It was fun. We went to Ennios for supper and then lots of people were over to celebrate. I left a bit earlier today to get back home because I wanted to watch the Nascar race. It was exciting. I enjoyed it, and my team did very well this week! I'm 2nd in the pool which is surprising but cool. My team name is Gorgeous Cars, and i love all my guys and cars. They rock. I'm amused because Ryan signed up a team! His team did pretty well =)

Ahhh! Bunnies!

A Panda Valentine's Day

This weekend I went to Waterloo for Rob's birthday. It was fun. We went to Ennios for supper and then lots of people were over to celebrate. I left a bit earlier today to get back home because I wanted to watch the Nascar race. It was exciting. I enjoyed it, and my team did very well this week! I'm 2nd in the pool which is surprising but cool. My team name is Gorgeous Cars, and i love all my guys and cars. They rock. I'm amused because Ryan signed up a team! His team did pretty well =)
Thursday, February 10, 2005
I was pretty annoyed on the train this morning. I was studying, had my stuff spread out, things were great. This guy, aka jerk, comes on and makes me move my stuff to sit down when not only are there available seats in the little area i was in, there was one across from me. Jerk. I'm obviously working, is it really necessary to make me move when his jerkiness can plop himself in another seat?? The nerve.
I feel much better now =)
I feel much better now =)
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Mardi Gras
Yesterday for Pancake Tuesday we went to Golden Griddle as our *wing* night. I had chocolate chip pancakes. So yummy. I love breakfast foods. I wanted cereal for supper tonight, but my dad felt like Licks so I got a nature burger.
I've become somewhat of a bitch on the go train now. On the way to work the train isn't too busy because I take an early enough train, so there are enough seats for everyone plus a few extras. I take up 2 seats now so I can work on course M questions on the train. It is so much easier being able to place my calculator, eraser and highlighter beside me, rather than everything on my lap somehow. If somebody needs a spot I would move though.
Today I got free bread!!!! Happy times. I think the girl handing out the mini baguettes was amused by me, because I was so excited about the free bread. My train got cancelled and had to take the next train which was 15 minutes later but didn't care cause I had bread!
I've become somewhat of a bitch on the go train now. On the way to work the train isn't too busy because I take an early enough train, so there are enough seats for everyone plus a few extras. I take up 2 seats now so I can work on course M questions on the train. It is so much easier being able to place my calculator, eraser and highlighter beside me, rather than everything on my lap somehow. If somebody needs a spot I would move though.
Today I got free bread!!!! Happy times. I think the girl handing out the mini baguettes was amused by me, because I was so excited about the free bread. My train got cancelled and had to take the next train which was 15 minutes later but didn't care cause I had bread!
Monday, February 07, 2005
There are some things I just don't need to hear about
This weekend was a blast. I went to Waterloo to see Keizo and go to bomber with everyone. I hadn't seen Keizo since before he left on his vacation so I was so happy to be down. Keizo impressed me. He bought me the cutest tank top that says Cancun on it. I tried taking a picture but my batteries ran out. I had backups but they were also dead. So not cool. He also got me these pretty purple earnings. He did so well =) On the weekend we did some shopping, relaxed and went for supper with my mom and George. My mom bought me the most comfortable, softed pjays ever. I love them.
Bomber was lots of fun. Kirsten was down this weekend and I gave her a belated birthday present. I burnt her Smallville Season 3 and found her some fun socks. I also bought myself a couple pairs of socks as well. Who can resist? =) I found a pair with pink flamingos on them! I still want a coloured flamingo from the Bay that I saw in Toronto in the summer. They rocked. Anyway, Keizo is alchohol free this month, so I was the drunk one at the end of the night which was entertaining. I think he was amused with me.
One really good thing came out of this weekend. I like pizza again!! More specifically, I like pepperoni and cheese pizza again. Haven't made it back to liking pizza with lots of toppings yet. Keizo's roomate, Scott, bought a 5 dollar medium pizza from little ceaser and I had a piece. It started there. The pepperoni on little ceaser's pizza is sooo good. Then i had a couple pieces of ang's dipping pizza from pizza hut. That was super good too. When Keizo and I got home from the bar I was craving pizza so we went and got the 5 dollar medium pizza from little ceasers for lunch on sunday hehe. At least now nobody can think I'm weird for not liking pizza anymore.
I just finished watching The First Daughter. It was such a great movie. I loved it. I want to watch it again! And not just because the hot RA's major was Actuarial Science. It did amuse me greatly though. I had to rewind to watch that part again. Too funny.
Bomber was lots of fun. Kirsten was down this weekend and I gave her a belated birthday present. I burnt her Smallville Season 3 and found her some fun socks. I also bought myself a couple pairs of socks as well. Who can resist? =) I found a pair with pink flamingos on them! I still want a coloured flamingo from the Bay that I saw in Toronto in the summer. They rocked. Anyway, Keizo is alchohol free this month, so I was the drunk one at the end of the night which was entertaining. I think he was amused with me.
One really good thing came out of this weekend. I like pizza again!! More specifically, I like pepperoni and cheese pizza again. Haven't made it back to liking pizza with lots of toppings yet. Keizo's roomate, Scott, bought a 5 dollar medium pizza from little ceaser and I had a piece. It started there. The pepperoni on little ceaser's pizza is sooo good. Then i had a couple pieces of ang's dipping pizza from pizza hut. That was super good too. When Keizo and I got home from the bar I was craving pizza so we went and got the 5 dollar medium pizza from little ceasers for lunch on sunday hehe. At least now nobody can think I'm weird for not liking pizza anymore.
I just finished watching The First Daughter. It was such a great movie. I loved it. I want to watch it again! And not just because the hot RA's major was Actuarial Science. It did amuse me greatly though. I had to rewind to watch that part again. Too funny.
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
What colour are cows? Purple!
Holly sent me a package from Germany and I got it today!! It was filled with yummy Milka chocolate. I've tasted them. Sooo good. Thanks again Holly!! It was such a great surprise! I also got a couple postcards which were really cool. One of this adorable panda and one of her school. She also got me a keychain and I died laughing. Well, maybe not died, but there were tears!! Holly told me there was a poll in Germany asking kids what colour cows were, and the majority said purple. Hehehe. I like when chocolate rules all.



Tuesday, February 01, 2005
I'm Smiling
Awww, Liz sent me the sweetest e-card today. It totally made my day. Liz is awesome. I hope I get to be in one of the same classes as her next term. I'd be so sad otherwise.
Supper was fun tonight. We went to an actual wing place, which meant very little choice for me. I got a chicken ceasar wrap, but who thought putting bbq sauce on the chicken was a good idea? It was quit odd. It didn't taste bad , but there wasn't enough lettuce. At the end it was just a bunch of chicken which was gross.
On the train ride home I ran into Daryl!! It was quite a shock. I had no idea he lived in Pickering. Sounds like we even take the same train in the morning sometimes.
On the weekend I finally got to see Harry Potter 3. I enjoyed it. I didn't like it as much as the first 2 though. We also rented the First Daughter but I haven't watched it yet. I'm going to save that one for later.
Supper was fun tonight. We went to an actual wing place, which meant very little choice for me. I got a chicken ceasar wrap, but who thought putting bbq sauce on the chicken was a good idea? It was quit odd. It didn't taste bad , but there wasn't enough lettuce. At the end it was just a bunch of chicken which was gross.
On the train ride home I ran into Daryl!! It was quite a shock. I had no idea he lived in Pickering. Sounds like we even take the same train in the morning sometimes.
On the weekend I finally got to see Harry Potter 3. I enjoyed it. I didn't like it as much as the first 2 though. We also rented the First Daughter but I haven't watched it yet. I'm going to save that one for later.
Friday, January 28, 2005
Pleasant surprise
Tonight I finally had to clean my room. When I moved in I just sort of put boxes wherever and unpacked only what I needed. Now that Mike is gone I get his double bed, score, but that means there must be room for such a bed. Vincent is coming tonight so dad has to switch the beds. It didn't take too long since I mostly put boxes in the closet. While I was looking at some old stuff that I left from last term, I opened a few cards to see which were worthy to keep and I found 30 dollars from a birthday card! sweet.
Monday, January 24, 2005
Contact us anytime ie. between 8am-11pm Mon-Fri
I got my new visa and wanted to activate it Sunday but no such luck. I did it today and ordered a text book I need for course M and two of my actsc's next term. So much fun hehe.
My brother is gone and it makes me sad. I got used to having him around. We went out for lunch before he had to leave for the airport. I had this really yummy omlette at Golden Griddle. Asparagus with cheddar cheese. I was impressed. I figured they'd go skimpy on the asparagus but there was lots. And they use Omega 3 eggs which is cool. And no, I didn't taste fish at all.
Yesterday my dad and I made a smoothie with grounded up flax in it. I couldn't taste the flax and it had the good omega 3 and omega 6 fat in it. Nope.. no fish taste there either. I figure I will add it to my yummy yogurt. Yoplait Source rocks. The fat free, no cholesterol, vitamin goodness, no aspertame yogurt. I can't get over how much I care about this kind of stuff now. I remember high school where my rule was Aero once a day!
My brother is gone and it makes me sad. I got used to having him around. We went out for lunch before he had to leave for the airport. I had this really yummy omlette at Golden Griddle. Asparagus with cheddar cheese. I was impressed. I figured they'd go skimpy on the asparagus but there was lots. And they use Omega 3 eggs which is cool. And no, I didn't taste fish at all.
Yesterday my dad and I made a smoothie with grounded up flax in it. I couldn't taste the flax and it had the good omega 3 and omega 6 fat in it. Nope.. no fish taste there either. I figure I will add it to my yummy yogurt. Yoplait Source rocks. The fat free, no cholesterol, vitamin goodness, no aspertame yogurt. I can't get over how much I care about this kind of stuff now. I remember high school where my rule was Aero once a day!
Friday, January 21, 2005
Crayola Rocks!!
My Crayola rainbow twistables mini crayons came today!!!!!! I am soo excited. They are the coolest things ever.
Exam time, when I'm supposed to be studying for stat 331, I discovered matt had boxes and boxes of Crayola Kraft win every time kraft dinner! I convinced him to let me open them, get the prize code from the inside, then seal them back up. You have to play this bus driving game which was amusing then you win a crayola prize. They had this last year and I got fabric markers, but these are cooler. I should have like 8 other prizes in the mail soon too! Ryan and Matter laughed at me for being so excited but wait until they see the prizes!! hahaha.
rainbow twistable minis
Exam time, when I'm supposed to be studying for stat 331, I discovered matt had boxes and boxes of Crayola Kraft win every time kraft dinner! I convinced him to let me open them, get the prize code from the inside, then seal them back up. You have to play this bus driving game which was amusing then you win a crayola prize. They had this last year and I got fabric markers, but these are cooler. I should have like 8 other prizes in the mail soon too! Ryan and Matter laughed at me for being so excited but wait until they see the prizes!! hahaha.

rainbow twistable minis

Thursday, January 20, 2005
A bit of Everything
The weekend was lots of fun. Went to Benny's for supper with Keizo when I got into Waterloo. Watched some tv and slept lots. Saturday I watched Quantum Leap while Keizo watched Football then it was Bomber!! Bomber was lots of fun. We celebrated Wilson birthday and I got to see a friend I hadn't seen in a while which was cool.
On Saturday I got home in time to watch my newly decided favourite NFL team the Colts lose horribly to the Pats. Not such a bad thing, since Keizo is happy and I can cheer for them again.
Tuesday we went to Zelda's for supper. I was happy because they use no trans fat, non hydrogenated oil and have really nice salads. If we go in February we can watch Drag Idol *lol* Too funny.
Pleasant money surprise... I found out yesterday they are reimbursing me for my course 2 fee. They didn't mention they did that during the interview so bonus.
I discovered yummy low fat no trans fat granola bars that i'm in love with. Presidents Choice Rocks. Oh, and Jif has been added to the acceptable spready goodness list of Skippy and Nutella.
The OC was wacked tonight. I'm curious to see what next week will bring. Hopefully it resolves some things.
My dad's DVD burner is so much fun. I want one now =)
My brother leaves Sunday =( People probably think I'm so weird since I kept going on how I wanted him out!! Oh how things change...
I really want to go shopping. I think I need a shopping buddy in toronto. I want to go to the Eaton's center but I don't really want to go alone. I wonder if my girl friend Jeff would be willing to take up the challenge. It's much more difficult than just a girl's night in hehe.
On Saturday I got home in time to watch my newly decided favourite NFL team the Colts lose horribly to the Pats. Not such a bad thing, since Keizo is happy and I can cheer for them again.
Tuesday we went to Zelda's for supper. I was happy because they use no trans fat, non hydrogenated oil and have really nice salads. If we go in February we can watch Drag Idol *lol* Too funny.
Pleasant money surprise... I found out yesterday they are reimbursing me for my course 2 fee. They didn't mention they did that during the interview so bonus.
I discovered yummy low fat no trans fat granola bars that i'm in love with. Presidents Choice Rocks. Oh, and Jif has been added to the acceptable spready goodness list of Skippy and Nutella.
The OC was wacked tonight. I'm curious to see what next week will bring. Hopefully it resolves some things.
My dad's DVD burner is so much fun. I want one now =)
My brother leaves Sunday =( People probably think I'm so weird since I kept going on how I wanted him out!! Oh how things change...
I really want to go shopping. I think I need a shopping buddy in toronto. I want to go to the Eaton's center but I don't really want to go alone. I wonder if my girl friend Jeff would be willing to take up the challenge. It's much more difficult than just a girl's night in hehe.
Thursday, January 13, 2005
A 9??
Holy Crap! How did I manage to get a 9 on course 2?? And why was I so damn worried I failed? *lol*
This weekend I'm off to Waterloo to see my boy and go drinkin at bomber on Saturday with friends! Can't wait =)
This weekend I'm off to Waterloo to see my boy and go drinkin at bomber on Saturday with friends! Can't wait =)
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Clementine Art
Today at work, for the first time ever, I peeled a clementine all in one piece! It was a huge accomplishment I must admit. I'm just a beginner, unlike Kellie, but my first time turned out pretty well. Bradley always used to peel me integrals and now i've peeled myself a flower. I decided to decorate it since it was so pretty =)

purple flower

purple flower

Tuesday, January 11, 2005
First *wing* night
I realized how much I missed Toronto when I was out and about today. It was nice getting out. I love working so close to union, but it means not seeing the city unless I try. Matter took me to Canada Computers so I could get my dad a dvd burner. It was funny because we ran into Chris there! From there we went to the Pickle Barrel and waited for Chris' cousin and Jeff. Wing night was smaller than usual, but hopefully a couple more people can make it next week. It was alot of fun. The food was yummy as usual. Jeff managed to NOT screw up his order for the half yard of beer hehe, so that was fun. I wish I had brought my camera though. I'm not used to having one yet so I didn't think of it.
Work was really cool today. My boss had me tag along to a meeting with her so I got to see more of what goes on with a quote. I really like it here. Reinsurance is awesome.
Work was really cool today. My boss had me tag along to a meeting with her so I got to see more of what goes on with a quote. I really like it here. Reinsurance is awesome.
Friday, January 07, 2005
Happy Day!
Horray!! I passed course 2! No Corporate Finance 2 for me. I wouldn't have minded taking it, but now I don't have to. Ang is the best and photocopied her course 3 study materials for me so I'm all set to go to study for the next one. She passed too which rocks =) I'm planning on going to Waterloo next weekend to celebrate! I also found out my marks this week, I managed to do well in school last term. My finals were tough and I didn't think I did so well, but I guess everyone thought they were tough. And to make the end of the week perfect I discovered I got paid!! I didn't expect to get paid for another week, so it was a pleasant surprise.
My brother got a great job in Calgary. It's so exciting. I thought I was anxious for him to get out of the apartment, but in fact he's been amusing me. We've been playing Grand Theft Auto. What an amazing game. I love it! I plan on playing Vice City when he leaves.
Work is going great. First day when I first talked to my boss I felt overwhelmed. There was lots to do and it was hard to instantly get back into things. But there were many computer problems, so I wasn't able to work for most of the day. That let me take a breath and I was ready to go when my computer was. I'm already in the groove, the advantage of returning. It was a nice change, seeing people again rather than meeting new ones and not having to learn alot before I can do fun work. The best thing about work still is getting to wear my new boots. I love them. I've realized turning my sock fettish into a shoe fettish is VERY easy! I still love my socks though =)
I don't have much planned for the weekend. I have to get my new pants hemmed, think of a reward my dad wants to buy me. I'm having problems with that one surprisingly. I have two Seasons on DVD I need to watch, so I don't want another one right now. I don't want an mp3 player. I have a digital camera now. This shouldn't be that hard! Hopefully I'll think of something fun soon, or else I'll wait until Angel Season 6 comes out.
My brother got a great job in Calgary. It's so exciting. I thought I was anxious for him to get out of the apartment, but in fact he's been amusing me. We've been playing Grand Theft Auto. What an amazing game. I love it! I plan on playing Vice City when he leaves.
Work is going great. First day when I first talked to my boss I felt overwhelmed. There was lots to do and it was hard to instantly get back into things. But there were many computer problems, so I wasn't able to work for most of the day. That let me take a breath and I was ready to go when my computer was. I'm already in the groove, the advantage of returning. It was a nice change, seeing people again rather than meeting new ones and not having to learn alot before I can do fun work. The best thing about work still is getting to wear my new boots. I love them. I've realized turning my sock fettish into a shoe fettish is VERY easy! I still love my socks though =)
I don't have much planned for the weekend. I have to get my new pants hemmed, think of a reward my dad wants to buy me. I'm having problems with that one surprisingly. I have two Seasons on DVD I need to watch, so I don't want another one right now. I don't want an mp3 player. I have a digital camera now. This shouldn't be that hard! Hopefully I'll think of something fun soon, or else I'll wait until Angel Season 6 comes out.
New Blog
So I decided it was time for a change. I'd like this to be anonymous, so please don't link this to my name. Thanks =)
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