I'm not sure why, but this year I wasn't too excited or anxiously waiting my birthday like normal. When I realized it was approaching and I hadn't begun to think about planning anything, I tried to think of something but I couldn't think of anything I really felt like doing. A low-key birthday sounded just fine to me. I have to say, I ended up having a wonderful birthday.
It started the day before my birthday when my co-workers took me out to cora's to celebrate. It was amusing like normal, except odd things kept happening. Like everyone randomly picking up their knives. So I picked up my spoon. Knifey-spoony. When the food arrived, Wendy asked for scissors, and because that's just a normal thing to ask at lunch the waitress brought her a Caeser drink. Later Alan took his glasses off. We never see him without his glasses so this is strange to us. Me and Jer end up staring at him strangely, some may say in disgust, but I think that's a little too far. Thankfully he put back his glasses on and he went back to looking like Alan. A bit later I see a sparkler and groan. I thought I had talked them out of singing happy birthday to me! ack. But it didn't stop there. On came a sash, a tiara, and then a wand. But at least the odd things now made sense. The knives all came out because wendy took hers to try to take off the tags off the tiara/wand, and asked for scissors when that didn't work. And Alan took off his glasses because they said it was the birthday of the one with glasses. To top off the outing, I had to put back on the tiara/wand/sash (because I refused to wear it walking back to work) when we got to the dog statues outside of metro hall so we could take pictures sitting on the doggies. Clearly Wendy's idea if you've seen any of the other stuff she's had us do.
For *wing* night I choose Terroni's because I was craving their rigatoni with cherry tomatoes and zucchini. So amazing. I've had it a few times now and I still have no urge to order anything else from the menu. It's just too good. Afterwards I went home and Holly was making me birthday cupcakes! I asked for confetti cupcakes and they looked amazing. I was full from all the food that day so they'd have to wait for dessert on my birthday.
So now the big day!!
Before work I got to see Holly and she gave me my birthday present. The whole gift was extremely amusing. To start it off was something that looked like a Hershey's chocolate bar, but it said calculator. With more inspection, it's an actual calculator, that looks like chocolate,
and even smells like chocolate! No, you may not eat my Chocolator. It's for simple math only! Next, I got magnets which will make a great addition to our fridge, but you have to come see that for the full experience. And finally books, because I think a gift from Holly and no books would be incomplete. A great way to start the day off; Laughter with one of my oldest friends.
In the morning at work my boss dropped by my desk and gave me a package and said it was in the mail. Cool. So I open it, to find a pair of fun unmatching socks!! People asked where the other pair was... unknown. It also had a mint aero, skittles, dark dove chocolate, and a letter. Best interoffice mail ever. So I open the letter and confirm it was from Jer, and read that these were not my official birthday socks, and that the other pair of socks have been mailed to Alan and I will have to ask him nicely if I want them. I thought that was hilarious and also curious if it was true. I then look at Alan's desk who's away at a meeting and I see a package. He did send the other pair to Alan!! Later I was helping a coworker when Alan came back to his desk, where he proceded to open the package, see a pair of mismatched socks and had the most confused look on his face, for at least a full minute, while everyone just laughed. Too funny.
For lunch I met up with my dad and we went for chinese. Crispy beef and broccoli. So delicious. It's been a while since we've ate there so it was a great birthday lunch.
Later in the day JWAM! gave me a gift - A Nascar Nextel mug and coaster, socks, and of course candy and chocolate. So sweet of them. Another coworker randomly came by, said happy birthday, then came back like 10 minutes later and dropped off a pile of chocolate saying "I know you like dark chocolate, happy birthday". I guess people at work knowing your birth date isn't so bad after all!
After work I went to Jeremy's because he's barbecuing for me. What's the perfect bbqd food (in my opinion)? Filet mignon of course. We also grilled some zucchini on there, and made mashed potatoes as well. The steak was tender and flavourful and so delicious. The veggies completed the meal and it was perfect. For dessert, the aforementioned (I love that word, I don't know why, or when my love for this word came to be. I somehow think Jeremy may be part of the reason) cupcakes and oh wow, fluffy icing and sweet cake is awesome.
Other points of fun:
- The official birthday socks came from the san diego zoo and are absolutely adorable!
- My sash said Miss Arms 2008 and had stars on it.
- Don't tell people you don't like hugs (while sober). You get a lot of them.
- I had a cupcake for breakfast this morning.
- Jen happy.