Monday, October 06, 2008


SPoT coffee has a contest on right now to become a "SPoT celebrity". You tell them your favourite drink and why. Jer has become addicted to their Mochas in the past month, and with the prize of your favourite drink free every day for a month, I knew he had to enter. Saturday morning after breakfast we headed out to buy a couple mochas, find a comfy spot at SPoT (haha?) and come up with some ideas. I gave useful suggestions every so often, while Jer worked his creative writing skillz. Here's the final product:

What is your favourite SPoT coffee drink?

Why is this your favourite SPoT coffee drink?
For 15 years I had been enslaved by the sweet, buttery aroma with flowery undertones of the percolated coffee bean, and its intoxicating caffeinated effects have ravaged my entire being for far too long. I courageously broke free from this hideous addiction over the span of many weeks. I sought refuge in a monastery where the soothing and rhythmic chants offered a quantum of solace to my frayed and frightened soul. Once I had successfully overcome these demons that had haunted me, I became calmer, serene, and significantly less jittery. But was I a better person?

One by one, people I had thought were friends began to disown me, as my lifeless corpse and empty gaze provided a stark reminder that I was but a shadow of my former self. Even my puppy sensed that something was seriously amiss. Taking the garbage out one day, the door was left slightly ajar. Puppy, seeing a glimmer of light, made a ferocious dash for the elevator and with all the strength in her tiny puppy heart, made a terrifically improbable leap hitting the ground floor button, a button to freedom.

I was broken.

That night I searched the streets of Toronto for her, and in a metaphorical sense, searched for myself. At 6 a.m. I stumbled across SPoT, and with tired eyes I dragged my heavy feet through the doors and ordered a Tall Mocha, which brought life back into my decrepit frame. For this I thank you.

And even though I still haven't found my puppy, and my friends won't return my calls, I don't care. I've found the one thing that can make sense of this topsy-turvy world: a delicious combination of espresso, 2% milk and chocolate in liquid form, put together by an angelic army stationed in SPoT.

- - -

So this may be a bit longer than an average response (considering I had to write in tiny print and use the back of the small sheet of paper provided) but I think it will be well appreciated. On the way out, Jer confirmed they do indeed read the entries. It is unclear whether they pick the winner by random or based on awesomeness. We're hoping for the latter.

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